
Nightcode result
Nightcode result

nightcode result
  1. #Nightcode result install
  2. #Nightcode result code

Pop-up documentation and code completion (also toggled with an on/off button).Pressing the tab key anywhere in a line shifts the whole line to the "correct" indentation. Pressing enter within a vector indents the next line even with vector's first element, in a function call it indents to the first argument, def forms indent to a standard 2-chars relative, etc. Semi-Automatic formatting: There's an opinionated but effective code formater built into the editor.Paredit, Syntax Highlighting and Code Completion all work in the REPLs There's also an extra non-linked REPL running all the time in the bottom-left corner of the window. Use the button (or hotkey) to run whatever form your cursor is on in the editor. Use the  button to reload everything in the saved file. Eval new code from the editor in the REPL instantly:.A nice boon is starting directly in your file's namespace. Instant project-linked REPL: Push a button to run your project (all but -main) and start a linked nREPL.With a button to turn it off/on, and a button for an always-on-top cheat-sheet. Paredit and Paren-matching immediately accessible.Self-evident Hot keys for everything: Key-tags appear over all the buttons, file-tree, and REPL windows when you press.There are buttons for all the important things: running the program, testing, checking for newer versions of dependencies, cleaning, and building a stand-alone.No menues: Everything is a top-level button.Here's a tutorial of the few steps to starting a project:

nightcode result

#Nightcode result install

You'll eventually install Leinengen (really not a pain) and wrestle plugins into other editors (.) but Nightcode lets you go to work now, work well, and fight with your tooling at a time of your choosing. Great for Immediate Productivityįor new Clojure programmers, I recommend Nightcode for getting you straight into Clojure with great Lisp-specific editing features and all the basics for productivity. The one-file footprint and zero installation is also ideal for computer facilities where you might be a guest or have limited permissions. It can pull your starter-projects from GitHub, run, REPL, test and JAR Clojure programs without installing anything and without your students ever leaving the window or frowning over a command line. Zach Oakes designed Nightcode specifically for teaching Clojure and it shows in its simple yet weildy interface.

nightcode result

Designed especially to get new Clojurists up and running and to facilitate programming classes, Nightcode is a Clojure IDE which mitigates the complication of tooling and workflow.

Nightcode result